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Reigning in the Storm uses the analogy of nature’s storms to illustrate the upheaval of life when life sends storms our way. Storms of divorce, financial issues, infertility, job loss, pandemics, and unfortunately death (just to name to a few) can all bring about the dreadful feeling of defeat.

Favor Campbell uses her own personal storms of divorce (partially brought on by her ex-husband’s relationship with a woman she knew —his former employee), his quick marriage to the employee, an unplanned pregnancy followed by a miscarriage, and navigating life as a single mom to illustrate and remind readers that going through challenging, unforeseen, and devastating storms does not have to leave you broken. God will rebuild you stronger and never leave you to fend for yourself. Reigning in the Storm reminds us that God can and will turn the rain and hell into an amazing journey that will lead us to reign in our storms.

INTERVIEWs/speaking engagements