Mom/Sociology Professor/Entrepreneur/Author/Mentor

I believe we all have a God given purpose and I have been blessed and fortunate enough to uncover mine. Why this is significant is because it means I absolutely love what I do! This will always be reflective in how passionate I am with teaching, training, and mentoring. My overall goal is to positively impact as many lives as God sees fit for me to.

The name of my business embodies the core of who I am and what I believe in….the J stands for Jadyn (my amazing teenage daughter and sidekick) which represents FAMILY and relationships. Fit is not just for physical fitness, but for our overall FITNESS, in all areas of our lives, and the 29 is representative of Jeremiah 29:11, which represents FAITH.

Now, the fun stuff…..

  • I hold a bachelor’s degree in Communications and a master’s degree in Sociology, both from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).

  • I’ve been a resident of San Antonio, TX for 20 years now, but “home” for me is California….born and raised.

  • Life currently has me wearing several different hats. I am a single mom, full-time sociology professor, entrepreneur, mentor, and author.  

  • Physical fitness and nutrition is a must in my world…so much so I have previously competed in a few fitness competitions.

  • Appeared on Red Table Talk to discuss the topic of gaslighting.

  • Coffee is an absolute must!

  • I enjoy cooking and baking for anyone who likes to eat, and having the freedom to travel is one of the things that makes me most happy.

I look forward to helping you become the best version of yourself you can possibly be.


 Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you. Plans not to harm you, but to prosper you….